Tuesday 22 April 2014


Queen Victoria was born 24th of May of 1819 in United Kingdom.  Her parents were Prince Edward, Duke of Kent and Strathearn, and Princess Victoria of Saxe-Coburg-Saalfeld.
She described her childhood, as "rather melancholy". Her mother was extremely protective, as a consequence of the death of Victoria’s father when she was only 1 year old, and Victoria was raised largely isolated from other children under the so called "Kensington System", the system prevented the princess from meeting people whom her mother and Sir Conroy, who was rumored to be the Duchess's lover.
Victoria shared a bedroom with her mother every night, studied with private tutors to a regular timetable, and spent her play hours with her dolls and her dog, who’s called Dash. Her lessons included French, German, Italian, and Latin, but she spoke only English at home.
Victoria’s mother and Conroy took Victoria around England, making stops in every town. Victoria was enthusiastically welcomed in each of the stops, but she disliked the trips; the constant round of public appearances made her tired and ill, and there was little time for her to rest. In one of these trips, Victoria contracted a severe fever, which Conroy didn’t pay attention telling it was childish pretence. As a teenager, Victoria resisted persistent attempts by her mother and Conroy to appoint him to her staff.

Married in love! : white dress
Before her reign, Victoria met her cousin, the Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha in 1836. They fell in love since the time they saw. They  commited on 15th October 1839. Their wedding ceremony took place on 10 February 1840 at the Chapel Royal, St James’s Palace. This was the first wedding of a reigning Queen in England since 1554.
One of the curiosities of this story, is that Victoria was the first woman who dressed in White on your wedding day, she started the fashion. Finally, their married on 10th February 1840 at St James Place, in London.
We found a text from Victoria when she explaid about her wedding night with her really love:
“NEVER,  I have NEVER spent a night as well. MY DEAR, DEAR, DEAR Albert with his love and affection has made me feel like I'm in a paradise of love and happiness, something I never expected to feel. He took me in his arms and we kissed again and again. Her beauty, her sweetness and kindness, I can never thank enough times to have a husband like that, he calls me cute names like never before called me, has been an incredible blessing. This has been the happiest day of my life.”
In the text can be the feelings that Victoria had toward his cousin and husband. 
In total, they had nine children: Victoria-German Empress-, Edward VII –Successor-, Princess Alice -Grand Duchess of Hessen-, Alfred  -Duke of Saxe-Coburg and Goth-, Helena-Princess Christian of Schleswig-Holstein-, Princess Louise -Duchess of Argyll-, Prince Arthur-Duke of Connaught-, Prince Leopold -Duke of Albany- and Beatrice -Princess Henry of Battenberg-.
Albert was a perfect husband for Victoria but in the year 1861, aside from suffering the death of her mother, Victoria lived the death of her beloved husband. Is from then until his death that the sovereign was not presented at public events and always was mourning to show the faithful and never-ending love made her beloved husband. So this beautiful love story is finished.

Monarchs in Victoria’s time
There was other big monarchs in Victoria’s time. The more important were: Isabel II (Spain), Tsar Alejandro III (Rusia), Fernando I (Austria-Hungary), Leopold II and Fernando IV (Italy) and Federico-Guillermo III (Prussia).

Victoria and Albert had 4 sons, 5 daughters, and some of they had hemophilia. Victoria had trouble relating to her children when they were young; some of this possibly owing to her own isolated childhood.
Victoria, Princess Royal was the eldest child of Queen Victoria of and Prince Albert. She was created Princess Royal of the United Kingdom, and Edward VII was he eldest son and the King of the United Kingdom and the British Dominions and Emperor of India.

Victoria’s time was between of industrial revolution, a very important change in 19th century. The industrial revolution which has inside five different revolutions, demographic, medicine, transports and politic revolution. The demographic revolution makes an enormous population grown. The most important was the invention of railroads and the vapor machine. United Kingdom has the most important communications of railroads in the world. The economic politic of queen Victoria’s time was the liberalism, more hard than our capitalism.
Victoria was a monarch, but U.K was a constitutional monarchy which the commons and lords house, they were the people who decided about politic subjects in the time.
The dark side of Victoria’s time was the slavery, started when Great Britain started to get some countries and colonies, workers; even children had to work industries more than ten hours, the misery and the hunger that the big part of the society had.
Not everybody was agree with the monarchy; in 19th century were an important riots that change the way to understand the politics in that era. For example the communism whose leader was Karl Marx had a relevant paper in those years, the most important struggles of the communism were for reduce the working hours, more salaries and better conditions in the industries.
Anarchism of Mijail Bakunin was important too. 
Although United Kingdom was a constitutional monarchy, women were not allowed to vote, so started the first feminist struggles, but the women vote didn’t come until after of first world war.
Great Britain was a rich empire, control a lot of colonies in the world, the biggest or more important were, the concessions in China, South Africa to control the pass in Cabo de Hornos, Egypt to control pass of Suez, Canada and Australia for the economy.

Victorian Vogues
 There was a big difference between rich and poor also has looked this difference in the way of dressing. Throughout the 19th century, on the reign of 63 years, there were many changes in fashion. They introduce new designs. The sewing machine revolutionized this fashion and introduce new models of dresses and new designs that revolutionized fashion.
The dresses, houses, the interiors of houses etc… had this type of colors, were the colors that were in vogue. Here we have a scale of colors that were fashionable in the Victorian edge.
 In architecture the style is characterized by taking designs of English Gothic architecture and other architecture used in his time. The design and construction forms varies from one place to another. It was used mainly in the design of private homes, although there are good examples of public and industrial buildings.

Some modes still continue, for example Steampunk that is a genre that comes from science fiction. This genus is based on the 19th century western civilization. This fad has futuristic elements and accessories like real not machines of the works of Jules Verne or Phillip Pullman, among others. 

-Marina B., Alba G., Carla M. and Ariadna S.-

Sunday 6 April 2014

VICTORIAN WRITERS - Vinyet M,Queralt B,Maria R,Sonia S


Charles Dickens

Charles Dickens was born in 1812, and died in 1870. His real name is Charles John Huffan Dickens, and he’s from Engand. 

Is one of the most important writers of the Victorians period and of England.

He used the realism, the realism, as you know try to copy the reality by the way of the observation. He made a social criticism base on his own experiences, and he could showed how was the industrial England. 

He published his Works on the newspapers, and one of his most important works is, for example, Oliver Twist.

Oscar Wilde

Oscar Wilde was born in 1854 and died in 1900. He was a writer, poet and playwright. Wilde is considered one of the most famous playwrights of the Victorian London.

In 1874, at the age of 20 years old he began to study at Oxford and during his stay at this university his father died. Finally in November of 1878 he obtained Bachelor of Arts, graduated with the highest note.

He remained in Oxford from 1874 until 1878, during he became a well know personality in the university. When he was 27 years old, he recollected all his poetic works in his first book, called: Poems.

In London he met Constance Lloyd, both were married on 1884. They had two children: Cyril and Vivian. In 1895, when he was at the peak of his career, the secretly romance with his fiend Lord Alfred Douglas was discovered. Then Wilde was accused of sodomy and was sentenced to years in gale.

Constance and Wilde divorced and she changed her and her children surname to Molland. When he left the prison he lived in Paris with the name of Sebastian Melmoth.

Charlotte Brontë

Charlotte Brontë was born in Thoronto in 1816. She had four sisters and a brother. Her mother died of cancer when she was just five years old and Charlotte and her sisters were sent to a horrible internship.

Charlotte received a proposal of marriage from Arthur Bell Nicholls. She in Italy turned down his proposal, and her father objected to the union because Arthur was por. Charlotte was increasingly attacted by Nicholls, and by January 1854 had accepted his proposal. They gained the approval of her father by April, and married in June.

She became pregnant soon after the marriage but her health declined rapidly and died with her unborn child in 1855, aged 38.

She used a pseudonym because in those times it was bad sight that a woman could write. Her pseudonym was Current Bell, and there were a lots of speculations about if Current Bell was a man or a woman. She believed art was most convincing when it’s based on personal experience, so in her novels she explained personal experiences and also things that she couldn’t live although she would like to.

Jane Eyre is the story of a young orphan girl brought up under the classicist regime of nineteenth century Britain. The novel contains elements of social criticism, with a strong sense of morality, but is a novel many consider head of its time.

Arthur Conan Doyle

In 1882 he joined former classmate George Turnavine Budd as his partner at a medical practice in Plymouth, but their relationship proved difficult, and Doyle soon left to set up an independent practice.

In 1890 Doyle studied ophthalmology in Vienna, and moved to London, first living in Montague Place and then in South Norwood. He set un a practice as an ophthalmologist an No.2 Devonshire Place. 
He wrote in his autobiography that not a single patient crossed his door. This gave him more time for writing, and in November 1891 he wrote to his mother: “I think of slaying Holmes… and winding him up for good and all. He takes my mind from better things”. His mother responded, “You won’t, you can’t, you mustn’t!”. 

In December 1893, in order to dedicate more of his time to what considered his more important works (his historical novels), Doyle had Holmes and Professor Mortiarty apparently down the Reichenbach Falls in the story “The Final Problem”. Public outcry, however, led him to bring the character back in 1901, in The Hound of the Baskervilles. 

In 1903, Doyle published his first Holmes short story in ten years, “The Adventure of the Empty House, in which it was explained that only Moriarty had fallen Doyle was found clutching his chest in the hall of Windlesham Manor, his house in Crowborough, East Sussex, on 7 July 1930.

He died of a heart attack at the age of 71. His last words were directed toward his wife: “You are wonderful”. At the time of his death, there was some controversy concerning his burial place, as he was avowedly not Christian, considering himself a Spiritualist.

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Tuesday 1 April 2014

Words of Jack The Ripper



La carta «Querido jefe», datada el 25 de septiembre de 1888 (y sellada el 27 del mismo mes), fue recibida por la Agencia Central de HYPERLINK "http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agencia_Central_de_Noticias_de_Londres"Noticias y luego enviada aScotlandHYPERLINK "http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scotland_Yard" HYPERLINK "http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scotland_Yard"Yard el 29 de septiembre. Cuando fue recibda la carta, se pensaba que era una broma, pero al encontrar el cuerpo de Eddowes sin un trozo de oreja como decá la carta ("cortaré las orejas de las señoritas") se vio que era certo. La carta decía así:
Dear Boss,
I keep on hearing the police have caught me but they wont fix me just yet. I have laughed when they look so clever and talk about being on the right track. That joke about Leather Apron gave me real fits. I am down on whores and I shant quit ripping them till I do get buckled. Grand work the last job was. I gave the lady no time to squeal. How can they catch me now. I love my work and want to start again. You will soon hear of me with my funny little games. I saved some of the proper red stuff in a ginger beer bottle over the last job to write with but it went thick like glue and I cant use it. Red ink is fit enough I hope ha. ha. The next job I do I shall clip the ladys ears off and send to the police officers just for jolly wouldn't you. Keep this letter back till I do a bit more work, then give it out straight. My knife's so nice and sharp I want to get to work right away if I get a chance. Good Luck. Yours truly
Jack the Ripper

La postal «Saucy Jacky» fue sellada el 1 de octubre de 1888 y recibida el mismo día por la Agencia Central de Noticias. La caligrafía es similar comparada con la de "Querido Jefe". En esta carta  Jack escribrio que había asesinado a dos mujeres ("esta vez un doble acontecmiento"), donde se podía referer a los asesinatos de Stride y Eddowes. La carta decía así:
I was not codding dear old Boss when I gave you the tip, you'll hear about Saucy Jacky's work tomorrow double event this time number one squealed a bit couldn't finish straight off. Had not got time to get ears off for police thanks for keeping last letter back till I got to work again.
Jack the Ripper

La carta «Desde el infierno» fue recibida por George HYPERLINK "http://es.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=George_Lusk&action=edit&redlink=1"Lusk, líder del Comité de Vigilancia de Whitechapel, el 16 de octubre de 1888. La caligrafía es diferente a la carta anomenada «Querido jefe». La carta estaba en una caja, junto a un trozo de riñón que se dice que podia ser de Eddowes. En la carta, Jack dice que la otra parte del riñon se lo comió. La carta dice así:
From hell
Mr Lusk
I send you half the
Kidne I took from one women
preserved it for you tother piece
I fried and ate, it was very nise. I
may send you the bloody knif that
took it out if you only wate a whil
Catch me when
you Can
Mishter Lusk 


The Whitechapel murders were committed in or near the impoverished Whitechapel district in the East End of London between 3 April 1888 and 13 February 1891 . At several points in some or all of these eleven unsolved murders of women have been attributed to the famous serial murderer unidentified known as Jack the Ripper.

Most, if not all, of the victims - Emma Elizabeth Smith , Martha Tabram , Mary Ann Nichols , Annie Chapman, Elizabeth Stride , Catherine Eddowes , Mary Jane Kelly, Rose Mylett , Alice McKenzie , Frances Coles, and an unidentified woman - they were prostitutes . Smith was assaulted and robbed by a sexual side . Tabram was stabbed 39 times. Nichols, Chapman, Stride , Eddowes , Kelly, McKenzie and Coles, were beheaded . Stride and Eddowes were killed in the same hours, minutes and less than a mile away , and their murders were dubbed the "double event " after a phrase on a postcard sent to the press by someone claiming to be the Ripper. The bodies of Nichols, Chapman, Eddowes and Kelly had abdominal mutilations. Mylett was strangled . The body of the unidentified woman was dismembered , but the exact cause of death is unclear.

The Metropolitan Police of the City of London Police , and private organizations such as the Whitechapel Vigilance Committee were involved in the search for the murderer or murderers . Despite extensive inquiries and several arrests , the culprit or culprits evaded identification and capture. The murders drew attention to the poor living conditions in the slums of the East End , which were subsequently improved . The enduring mystery of who committed the crimes has captured the imagination of the public to this day.


John Pizer is a jew who woorked in a bootmarker in whitechapel he was arrested in one thousend eght hundred eghty-eight, because he had a criminal record for a diferents murdereds. Arron kosminski: was a polish jew, who was hopitalized for psicologicals problems, but the doctors said that are a innofensive person thomas cutbush: the sun newspapper said, thomas cutbush may been responsable for the murders, because he stabble a woman 


He lives in the Whitechapel district of London. Other names" The Whitechapel Murderer" and "Leather Apron" He attacks to famele prostitutes and make an abdominal mutilation. He knows about anatomic and surgical. Ripperologist: person who study Jack's murdereds. .

Power Point of Jack The Ripper